Monday 17 June 2013

Daisy Buchanan- White or Yellow?

           The colour white is used in the novel to portray Daisy’s innocence, “High in a white palace the king’s daughter,” (p.115) ... she dressed in white and had a little white roadster... (p.73).” But is Daisy truly innocent? Could her name be Daisy for a reason? Lets refer back to my yellow blog post. In this book yellow represents despair, death, corruption and amorality. The colour of a daisy flower has white petals with a yellow centre. Daisy appears innocent and pure on the outside but in reality she is corrupted on the inside. Could her petals have fallen off over the years or were they always there to cover up her true nature?

           Daisy is a very likable character at the beginning of the novel, as one can sympathize with her over Tom’s mistress. However, as the novel goes on Daisy’s sense of entitlement, lack of empathy, and inability to make difficult choices become apparent, and the reader loses their view that Daisy is perfect. Coming from a prominent family in Louisville, Daisy has always known what it feels like to be wealthy. It can be argued that because of this she and Tom are the same. They were both set in their old money ways and her voice is even characterized as “... full of ,money” (p.115). Daisy and Tom can both be characterized as cruel and malicious but are they really? It can be argued that their money has just, in fact made them careless people. “They were carless people, Tom and Daisy-they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness...” (p.170). They had known nothing but carless lifestyles their whole wealthy lives, and Daisy understood that money equals power. They put their own needs first, and do not care much about Myrtle, Gatsby, their daughter, or even each other. 
           One of the most interesting quotes from Diasy is this: “I hope she’ll be a fool - that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” Through this quote she shows that she is not as oblivious as she would seem. She shows her docility and willingness to conform to the social environment that intelligence is not valued in women. She is also emphasizing her feelings on her marriage. If a women is a fool she would not realize how cruel society really is. If Daisy was more of a fool than perhaps she would have thought love was enough and waited for Gatsby to return from the war. However, she saw that money makes the world go round and even though she did not find true love in Tom, she found power and wealth, two of the most important things in class and society.

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